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It takes three components to successfully launch a company: a strong concept; a deep understanding of and experience with the domain; and seasoned management. Most importantly, entrepreneurs we work with should have domain experience. eLaunchpad can work with entrepreneurs in developing the concept and in managing the process and building the company, but we look to the entrepreneur for a keen sense of the industry in which they would like to serve.

Here are some characteristics of each component:


The concept should be able to generate revenue over the course of the first year; be one that would exist in a less crowded marketplace; be of a proprietary, unique nature that can actually serve to keep out other companies in the marketplace due to the unique technology or service promise; and be one that satisfies a demand great enough to support it.


Entrepreneurs should know the domain or industry they serve and have an existing network of contacts from that domain. This could include industry experts, trade association officials, potential partners or prospective customers. Domain experience helps us know the pitfalls as well as the opportunities. It helps us choose a qualified and committed slate of Directors and Advisors. And it helps us choose and pursue the right customers.


Good concepts are great. Domain expertise is paramount. Taking this concept to market through seasoned management is where eLaunchpad can be of the biggest benefit. We can help entrepreneurs with financials, accounting, real estate, office equipment, information technology, product development, human resources, sales and marketing.

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